Growth Capital Built For Your Journey

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Champion Leadership & Novel Capital partner to offer non-dilutive funding to help you scale faster.

B2B Companies with at least 10% YoY growth can access up to 40% of revenue in growth capital to accelerate your company’s trajectory.

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CustomersCapital Products

Maximizing the Growth Potential of Midwest Founders

Novel offers customers of Champion Leadership:

Non-Dilutive Capital
Access up to 40% of your revenue up to $5M in less than 10 days after application.

Flexible Options
Choose the funding product that fits your needs:

RevShare™ with payments based on monthly cash receipts for 36 months or

Upfront Capital with fixed or graduated payments for 12 or 24 months.

Continuous Capital
Additional capital unlocked through Novel’s platform as the business grows.

How Does Novel Differ from Traditional Funding?

With revenue-based funding, the amount of approved capital is based on a percentage of annual revenue—up to 40%. Our transparent funding has no dilution, no warrants, no personal guarantees, minimum cash balances, or other complicated covenants required.

Bridge Capital
Grow to maximize the valuation for your next equity round to expand your current round with additive non-dilutive capital. 

Smooth Cashflow
Even out seasonal cashflow challenges at the earliest stages of your company’s growth.

Scale Your Staff
Hire the headcount needed to deliver on contracts and speed product development.

Accelerate Revenue
Invest in sales & marketing to add topline revenue growth.

How Can I Use Revenue-Based Funding?

We know that Founders have lots of capital options, so we’re here to help.

If you have questions or you're not ready to get started on our platform yet, let's talk.

Please fill out the form and we will get back to you shortly to schedule time with our team.

Still Have Questions?

Maximizing the Growth Potential of Founders

Novel offers customers of Champion Leadership:

Non-Dilutive Capital
Access up to 40% of your revenue up to $5M in less than 10 days after application.

Flexible Options
Choose the funding product that fits your needs:

RevShare™ with payments based on monthly cash receipts for 36 months or

Upfront Capital with fixed or graduated payments for 12 or 24 months.

Continuous Capital
Additional capital unlocked through Novel’s platform as the business grows.

Founders Who Love What We Do.

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